
Showing posts from April, 2021

Maintaining Routine

I find it's important for me to track what I'm doing. While editing I don't count words. I don't count hours. I ensure that I get through a scene a day, sometimes two. ...If I'm honest, this month there have been days when I've gotten stuck in a scene and flip into writing mode instead, finishing the scene the next day. Overall I'm being more diligent with what matters, though.  Every day I: edit, write, study. I also read daily, but I'm not tracking that this month. Too much writing and editing, and I'm trying to build the habit of daily study. It's hard when I'm not going for a degree or anything. Next month I will add a goal to be more diligent on this blog. Weekly, most likely. For now, I'm going through the process. All the nitty-gritty that needs to be done in order to prep for publishing. I just hope I'm doing it right.

Editing and Writing mini-projects

This month is the Blogging A to Z Challenge, and I am participating through another blog. Someday I'll do it here, but this is not that year. In addition to writing a new post every day, I am going forward with editing my earlier WIP.  The editing is going well. I'm much more diligent with that than with blogging. Can you imagine? I really feel that I'll get this WIP into a publisher's hands by the end of the year. So I'm editing. I'm a day behind in blogging, but then I'm two months behind in blogging here, so a day isn't much! That is the purpose for my absence. Editing is good. Writing is small. That's all. I'll be back next month probably, after the chaos subsides.