
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Boring Part

I've decided querying is the most boring part of writing. I'm so glad it will only (hopefully) happen once.  When I last wrote I was in the heady exhilaration of trying something new. It's not new now. It's repetitious. It was easy to begin compiling a list of potential agents, but I have less than 50 in my spreadsheet, and everyone talks about "hundreds", so I figured I'd find more to add later. Next step was to fill in details about the agents and decide which were the best fit. I expect to query all of them, but I'm adding an element of prayer and instinct to my list: As I read bios and company information, who do I think is likely a good fit for me, and vice versa? This is the long part. The research part. The "opening websites to find an agent, only to find that the website is inactive or that the agent is no longer there" part. It's tedious. I never was a fan of research. I'm giving myself until the 14th to finish polishing this...