
Showing posts from May, 2021

Crying Wolf

I was going to come in and write "DONE!" because I finished adding in the extra text chats that tie the two subplots together, but then I saw that I've been overusing the word "done". I'm not truly done. I am, again, done with a step. It did not take long at all, after reviewing the manuscript and writing in what I wanted where... so easy to just drop that into the Scrivener version. According to my to-do list the next step is sending it out to beta-readers, but I was impressed by the weakness of my writing as I re-read it the last couple weeks, so I may be in for one more edit. I need to liven things up.  Some scenes are great as-is. I'm really proud of them. Other parts I know I'm just trying to fill in blanks. And do I really need all of it? Also, I noticed a lot of passive voice. I'm not sure what I'll do, so I'm taking a day or two to try and figure it out.

Done Again!

I finished the manuscript review before 9:00 a.m. today, and I think I found good places to keep both subplots connected. That's the good news. I've been struck as I read it by what a terrible writer I am. That's the bad news. Not everywhere. There are some scenes that I think are truly great, just not the whole thing. And that's not good. That makes me want to re-edit again. But enough is enough! I'll start going in and adding the text chats and the small edits I made. (A few small edits are larger changes, as the book continued and I grew disgusted with myself.) It shouldn't take too long because I'm not doing a wholesale edit. I'm not! Then, the readers, and by the fall I hope to be ready to query. Anybody interested? 

Done! (With this step)

Yes! A few days ago I finished the edit of my WIP. Woohoo! Such a relief. It's not done, of course. I printed out the manuscript (I had exactly the right number of pieces of paper for it - whew) and now I'm going through to find places to add a new element. To connect the two subplots, I want to insert some text chats between the main characters while they are apart. So now I'm reading the manuscript to do that... and trying not to add edits. 🙈 I am noting typos and a few word changes, but refraining from wholesale editing. My reasoning for the small edits is simply to make the next version more readable for my BETA READERS! The last time I sent this to readers, at least one of them consistently pointed out typos (not her purpose). If I can eliminate them, it will not be a distraction and my readers can focus on characterization and plot-points. SO, to sum up: 1: Now adding text convos and minimal typo corrections into printed manuscript. 2: Next putting those into the sc...

Editing Joys

When I hit the climactic scene in my editing, things started rolling forward more quickly. That's good. A book should be un-putdownable by that point. I'm making fast progress in my editing, and it's good. This is a well-written book. Next will be figuring out querying. That scares the life out of me. But it's got to be done if I'm ever going to be published. And I'm good. I know I am. I'm worth having a book out there.  This is becoming a point of pride, in a way, but more than that it's a drive. I know this is my destiny and it will happen. The process is the process and I can't skimp on it. Wish me luck.