Done! (With this step)

Yes! A few days ago I finished the edit of my WIP. Woohoo! Such a relief.

It's not done, of course. I printed out the manuscript (I had exactly the right number of pieces of paper for it - whew) and now I'm going through to find places to add a new element.

To connect the two subplots, I want to insert some text chats between the main characters while they are apart. So now I'm reading the manuscript to do that... and trying not to add edits. 🙈

I am noting typos and a few word changes, but refraining from wholesale editing. My reasoning for the small edits is simply to make the next version more readable for my BETA READERS! The last time I sent this to readers, at least one of them consistently pointed out typos (not her purpose). If I can eliminate them, it will not be a distraction and my readers can focus on characterization and plot-points.

SO, to sum up:

1: Now adding text convos and minimal typo corrections into printed manuscript.

2: Next putting those into the scrivener version.

3: Assembling Beta-readers and sending it out to them.

Nearing the end of the process!


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