Have Printer, Will Revise
Whew! Bought a printer last week. I had already hand-written enough to knock almost 20 pages off the print job, but what a relief to be able to print out the bulk of my manuscript. As of this morning, I have finished reading through the whole thing. The steps I am following for this first revision are: Write my original intention/goal for the first draft. Read the entire first draft (in a different format from how I entered it - handwritten and in print). Read it, stopping only for general, broad-stroke notes, not nitpicking. Write a synopsis of the story I just finished reading. Use the original intention, the notes, and the synopsis as a starting point for the second draft. Personally, after writing the synopsis, I re-read it, then highlighted bits of the synopsis that I think could be bigger plot points. Things that I recalled as I wrote the synopsis, but that seemed downplayed in the actual manuscript. Sidenote: The first step to this process that I followed seemed unne...