Editing woes

I'm at the point of revising the first draft of a book I wrote last summer. This was the first work of fiction I attempted, and it reads like it. Haha. That's why we edit.

The problem is that I don't have a printer yet. I moved last summer, and gave my bulky, heavy printer to friends who had helped with the move. I don't need one often, so I thought I'd see how long I could go.

For this first revision, I'm following advice of many writers, who suggest printing out the whole thing, re-reading it to familiarize yourself with the story - this is assuming it has been sitting on a back burner for a while - and then tackling major issues first.

Well, I can't seem to find a print-shop in my new city that handles anything smaller than giant advertising banners. Also, every electronics store I've checked out seems to be focused more on TVs and cell-phones. I guess I need to track down how people get their computer needs met here. Maybe the computer places are also the printer places. That seems logical.

Either that, or go up to our neighboring city, where I know I can either buy a printer, OR simply print out my manuscript. In that event, it'll depend on pricing.

For now, until I sort out the issue, I don't want to lose the good momentum I'd built up. So... I'm handwriting the book into a notebook. It's very slow-going. Especially because after a solid half-hour of writing, my arm gets sore. At least I'm making progress. Slow progress is still progress!


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