Problems and New Attempt

Somehow, for this book - which I imported into Scrivener into a basic novel format - Scrivener is not functioning as well as the one I wrote in the Nanowrimo novel configuration on Scrivener. My searches based on custom meta-data yielded no results (this was a key way that I sorted my character arcs before leaving my Nano draft) and the cork board... well...

Not actually a Scrivener problem, but a learning curve for me. The cork board only works within each folder. So for future books, I will not divide into sections until after the entire draft is done.That way I can go to the cork board and move things around before sorting them into groups!

If you don't use Scrivener, sorry for all the software details. I'm still getting used to it myself.

Last week, I did make some major changes to two minor characters. Not exactly combining them into one, I gave one character's dominant characteristic to the other, who was better-suited to it, frankly, and modified the first to have a better dominant characteristic. I like these guys this way.

Currently, I'm working through a full re-write. Many writers talk about taking your first draft and re-writing the entire thing. Well, this is technically draft 2.5 (including major storyline changes I made immediately after the first draft) but to get to draft 3.0 I've started a totally new project in scrivener and I'm re-writing it with changes scene-by-scene, but NOT creating chapters or sections. This will take some time, I think. Especially as I'm alternating my time with drafting a new book.

Happy writing!


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