More Feedback...

Feedback has started rolling in from my Beta-readers.

I'm learning a lot. First off, it's valuable feedback, but the first two readers to finish did not do as I had expected. Notes are not as in-depth as I had requested, and one even wasted time pointing out typos or missed word placement, which I distinctly said not to look for. But I do have a couple things that I know I need to fix for the next draft, and I'm so glad I'm doing this before seeking an agent, etc.!

I do know that the two who have supposedly finished will not be readers for me at this stage on future books. One gave broad, sweeping notes, and said that the grammatical issues were a distraction for her. The other seemed to think of it like reading a pre-release - just make a couple notes and give a review? I would love to have them read at a later stage on a future book.

It's all good information for me. This is a learning process.

I think next time I might ask on my blog, or on twitter, and see if there are random strangers who know what they're doing and can follow direction.

Two weeks, and I should have all the feedback from all four readers, and I can start consolidating and seeing what I can do for the next draft! I'm getting very excited about writing again.

Which is good.
I've been a lazy writer since sending this out to readers.
I need to get back in the saddle.


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