Ready For The Next Draft

Three days until the end of the month, when I should be able to begin the next draft.

Two days ago, I contacted the 4th reader, who I've not heard a word from, just to see if she was still on track. She had read the first couple chapters, then got busy with work. She hoped to read some more the next day.

I know from the other three readers that the start is slow and confusing in places. My guess is she got bored and stopped. I hope she gets a bit further into it, but I'm not holding my breath.

My point being, I need to better prepare my readers, and prepare my book for my readers, next time around. And I have now read multiple blog posts and articles about using beta-readers, and they contradict each other in various ways. After I figure out what works and doesn't (so, a few years down the road) I will write my own "how to use beta-readers".

I guess it's different for everyone.

As unexpected as this process has been, I can honestly say, it helped. Just getting that outside perspective gives me good direction for the next draft.


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