Nearing the End?

(The question mark in my title is for the word "nearing".)

In my edit of this WIP, I am "nearing" the climax. Again, though, there are a lot of synopses where action should be, so it's more work than it appears. My scrivener folder shows only a few documents left, but they are the BIG part - where resolution happens or doesn't. In fact, I wrote three different possible endings!

I know which ending I like best, though, so I'm looking forward to getting there. I just need to sort out the details of how, precisely, my protagonist reaches that point.

All of this aside, my brain has been more in the book that I sent out to beta-readers last fall. I set it up for a major edit, then wrote this WIP instead.

In the current state of the world, with people staying home and dealing in some way with a world-wide crisis, the epic quest I'm currently editing seems redundant. When every day is a minefield, who would want to read about a different kind of minefield? I feel that what the world needs now is light, beach/lake/rainy-day novels.  Easy to read; easy to put down and pick up later. That's what that earlier, partially edited WIP is like. I'm anxious to get into it after I shut down my current edit.

Honestly, that's been my motivation to keep this edit going during my mental stagnation. I've set a tiny, achievable goal to touch this WIP every day until it's done. Some days that just means reading what I did the day before and making minor adjustments. Other days, I get a lot done. It's coming along, and then it'll go back to bed for a few months again.

Here's to the end being in sight!


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