The Monkey on my Back

That light I saw? And assumed it was the end of the tunnel nearing? It must have been a hole in the mountain, letting in some light from above ground. I am nowhere near the end.

I keep digging myself - or my protagonist - into ever more convoluted holes and tunnels. Dear God, what have I wrought?

Yesterday I realized what I had been writing diverged from my original scene notes, and I preferred the scene notes. But not sure that I could make it work, I duplicated the scene to work on it afresh following the old plan - keeping both until I'm sure this works. And now I've realized a new problem with getting to the ending. (smh)

BUT the new problem can be saved for the actual first edit. Because although I say I am editing this, I'm really just finishing the first draft. I've done minor edits in places, but the bulk of my current work is filling in blanks and fleshing out summaries left there by my previous self of November 2019.

Regardless, I am pushing myself, spending more time in my WIP than in the two books I'm reading, or really than any other single endeavor I have going on.

It's time.
I need to get this monkey off my back.
I should be done by the end of July.
By mid-July. It can't happen before July, but it doesn't need to take as long as it is taking.

Maybe I need to cancel some things and clear my schedule.


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