
I know I said if I didn't finish by the end of August it would just be a few days later.

I'm giving myself grace to get it right. It won't be "right" right, of course. But first-draft right is the goal. Beginning, middle, end, cohesive and coherent, reasonable flow. There will be a ton of editing to do. Later.

I'm so close, but my characters keep doing things and hitting obstacles. And that's good. That will make the book more interesting. But it does make me write more. So I'm allowing it.

I'm giving myself grace.

After this first draft is put to bed for a few months rest, I'm going to start lining up a new work for Nanowrimo. This one that's in my head might not technically fit "National NOVEL Writing Month" because it will be more personal, about my experiences and observations. I think.

I didn't know if I'd do Nano this year, but I'm ready for a new project, and I think I have a good idea. I just want to finish last year's book first!


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