
 You know how sometimes you have a great idea in the middle of the night and either you don't write it down and can't remember it properly on waking, or you actually have the foresight to jot a note and it's unintelligible in the morning?

Well, that didn't happen, but it might as well have.

We've had some weather and household things to contend with, so I didn't write at all for the last two days. Today, I opened my WIP and in the last paragraph that I wrote, the penultimate sentence is this:

At the car, the farmer handed a note to Lee.

I'm nearing the end of the story, and rather than trying to ease into a sweet ending, I'm trying to inject suspense, maybe a nebulous sense of ominous foreshadowing. But WTF did I mean? What is in the note?!?!

I know exactly what happened. I have started adding writing time in the evening, when I'm on my computer for other reasons anyway. I leave Scrivener open in the background, and when I have a break I go over and add more words. It's been a successful tactic.

Until now.

Apparently I didn't think I had time to flesh out what the note was.

...Or maybe my writing was interrupted by my paid work.

... And in all likelihood I forgot to check what I'd written before closing my computer for the night. If I had, I might at least have jotted a note to myself about what my intention was.

But I didn't. And now I think I have to scrap it and make it an easy ending for the first draft. Hopefully during my first edit I'll think of a good idea for a "note from the farmer" but without knowing what my idea was, I'm stuck. 

Gotta keep writing, so I'll set that idea aside. 


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