Two Things at Once

I sorted out the problem from my last post. It had its purpose and I'm getting closer to the end.

Closer and closer.

But it still feels like the moment in a dream when you think you're coming out of a tunnel only to find that the light you were aiming for was just a light within the tunnel illuminating the next section of the tunnel. 

My intention was to finish in September and spend October prepping for Nanowrimo. I participated in one of the Nanowrimo virtual write-ins for Nano Prep, and it was helpful. It's giving ideas. And I've had additional ideas, so that now I keep the notebook for this next work handy "just in case".

But I still have to finish my WIP! I still struggle with lack of motivation, so some days are weak on the writing side. I need to fix that if I'm going to do 50,000 words in November! I have started writing down my word count, but since my current efforts include editing, it's a bit of a bogus count.

I want to be done. I need to be done. I need to sit here at my computer and just keep writing through all else in my life, until I'm done. (I've found that when I stop writing to eat, I often don't come back to it. It's a problem.)

I also need to prepare. 

Guess it's time to pull out old planners and look at what I did in past Octobers to get ready. I haven't had a daily "word goal" for a year!

Have you done Nano? Are you doing it this year? How do you prepare? Or do you?


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