
I took a break from the random writing down of thoughts pertaining to my story subject, and decided to work on a character. I'd had an idea for one character, and started writing her early, 

But suddenly, between feeling like I was drifting about without a story and trying to wrap up my other WIP, I wanted to try some different personas on my one character. So for three days I wrote her - sometimes him - with a different primary attitude or dominant personality trait. 

Instead of the initially sympathetic character, I wrote an angry, vindictive version (why angry? Let's dig deeper!), a slinky, seductive version, and a kind of accidental "oops! That's my job, right?" kind of character. Couldn't get behind that one. Couldn't really figure out the world that last version must live in.

Anyway, I delved a little deeper into the angrier version and suddenly felt it worked better as an interview, so voila! A new, secondary character. 

This week I came back to that interview and decided the interviewer needed a break... and she led me to a whole different angle on the story! SHE's the protagonist, not the first character I wrote who I thought the book is about! It's so much more interesting coming at the story sideways, from the secondary angle. 

And out of nowhere, she had an utterly awkward meet-cute moment that I hadn't planned. I love it when the characters take over. Especially this time because I feel I'm coming into it with nothing. They need to show me what they are doing, so that I can show readers. 

It's rather delicious, really.

If you can make it work, I highly recommend trying this method!


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