Slogging Through #NaNoWriMo2020

 A week into Nano and I'm almost on track. I'm still working on my other WIP, so my attention is divided and my time is divided, but I'm logging words every day, so that's good.

I'm SO CLOSE to ending the other WIP. I can't wait for that moment, when I can finally sort out the mess of this year's Nano work. I'm putting words into Scrivener, but each chunk doesn't flow together and I'm still not sure what this book will be about. By that I mean style. The subject is chosen, but will it be fiction, memoir, a bit of both? Hard to say.

Meanwhile I'm fighting a bug which means sleeping when possible, which means NOT writing as much as I need to. 

My nanowrimo counter shows that I'm almost 5,000 words behind where I need to be to finish on time. That's the worst start I've ever had during any Nanowrimo ever.

I'll make it up. I just need to get the characters home in my other WIP so that my brain can switch gears.

How's it going for you?


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