Changing Tack

It's no good. 

This dead girl story is wrecking me. Until my other draft comes back from my reader I need to change my pace. I'm going to pick back up my "magnum opus" (as I call it). 

This is the one that I worked on last winter. It's very big and needs a lot of work. Of course, I don't want to get too deeply into it, because I must edit the one from my reader as soon as it comes back.

I'll open it, and maybe I'll start to work on the timeline and characters a little. I recall that while I was writing the story more characters were coming into play that did not get a character sheet. Doing it during a writing contest meant all my words went into the document, not the background information.

One thing about this current challenge being time-driven: I've worked on the character sheets and been adding to them as things come up. It is actually helpful to have them right there when I want to decide who will do what in a scene! So it will probably help in my other works, too.

I'll try that for today. That should help. 


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