When Edits Turn to Re-Writes

Yes! I'm nearing the end of the WIP my reader had helped point out trouble spots.

No! One trouble spot requires a re-write of a scene. Or maybe a deletion. I'm trying to fix the scene, tighten it up, make it fit, but it's hard to so quickly switch gears from editing to writing. This is taking some time. I tried adjusting within the scene, and it was too much the same.

So I tried again, deleting big chunks before getting to work. Still off.

So I tried writing a completely different scene to help me come up with a better middle.

And that's where I am. I'm thinking it will just be truncated a lot. I'm not happy with it, but I understand why the reader was unhappy with it to begin with, and I agree with their logic.

I can't stop now, so near the end!

Back into the fray I go! 


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