Tales of Editing

Fully in edit mode now. I finished a once-over, adding small notes. I did some reorganizing so that Scrivener will compile it better for me than the one I'm querying right now. Now I'm on the second read-through, reading back-to-front, scene by scene, to make sure each scene works in its own right.

I'm making edits, but mostly adding notes. The next edit will be front-to-back, and then I'll see if I have duplicate notes in different places.

Actually, I may need to go back to the end and do some of the "first" scenes again. As I was editing, I had pulled out a reference book on scene-work, and I think I might have missed some key things in the first scenes I looked at. I was originally trying to ensure that the ending worked as a complete ending, and didn't focus on scene-work in those final scenes.

So there's a lot of work to do on this one, but I have come to believe that it's actually better than the one that's out there in query-world.

Query-wise, I've improved my query letter writing, and received a couple complimentary rejections, if that's possible. Still maintaining no more than 10 submissions out at a time, this is very slow-going.

Edit, edit, edit. That's the daily work. 


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