The Immeasurable Value of the Work

Has it been a month? Shame on me!

I finished the Scene Edit for this WIP, and have started on the Line Edit. This is a slow process. It's rewarding - perfecting the words - but time consuming and difficult. This is when I really see/read/hear what has or hasn't worked.

Some days, when I feel stuck in a scene, the easy choice is to set it aside for a while and come back later. But that really doesn't help. I've found that it's best to stay in the hard scene, make changes, and then on the re-read later, maybe make more changes. That doesn't mean I don't ever give in to the urge to "set it aside", but I know that's not how I'll make progress.

It's important to remind myself that this is important to me.

Does that sound strange? If it's important, I shouldn't have to remind myself that it is, right? You'd think so, but right now the value of my work doesn't have a price tag. I think that's why it's easy to forget that it has a high value in the long run.

So now, in addition to editing, I am working on my daily motivation.

...and prepping for a new novel to work on in November. More on that later.


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