Nanowrimo 2022

(And apparently I'm only blogging once a month these days. Oh well.)

Yes! Nanowrimo is just days away. The last week or so I haven't done any real editing on the WIP. Just a little, in preparation to share with my writing group. I got good feedback, but it's harder to integrate than I expected.

Most of my time is spent preparing for Nanowrimo. By preparing, I mean, hitting certain word-count targets each day. I'm only doing background stuff, though. To get into the characters and flesh out the relationships, I started with dialog and phone calls and chats. Show the interaction. It's taken off in unexpected directions, I must say.

Now I need to have another look at the conflicts and plot points lined up, and rework them. As I've been prepping, most of this dialog seems to be setting up the big issue. I'll need a lot to come after that. I need to double check story arcs, because maybe this is not the standard plot that I expected it to be.

It would be nice, for once, to have a story well-enough defined that my first draft holds together through editing. 


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