Saying Yes to the Contest

Of course, I'm doing Nanowrimo again. I decided which of my various story options appealed the most, and it's going pretty well so far (one week in). That is to say, I'm staying on top of the word count.

At my writing group the other day, I read out the bit I'd written for their prompt, and got some good feedback: great atmosphere, "I could really see it"... with one negative, "I wish I could sense what she's feeling."

Now, as I'm writing a new book, I realize that I'm still writing without feeling. I'm generally pretty proud of my dialog, and some of my descriptions are pretty good. (I do get hung up on the layout of my interiors, but that can be fixed in editing.) 

I think I see what's happening as I write it, but I don't feel it. I might need to kick up my process a bit.

One thing I'm SO happy about this time around is my support network. Namely, my spouse. Always supportive - a writer, also, but not participating this year - I had stated up front about supplies (food) to keep in the house, and it's there. Also, when I was nearly out of wine and writing madly, I just said, "I'd love another bottle of wine" and soon it was there!

It's so great to have someone who understands the slight insanity that is crafting a new book, and just rolls with it. I consider myself very lucky.


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