Ready to Edit?

So much for "short, simple" writing projects. March is at its end, and the most writing I've done for the last two months has been tiny edits in an earlier work; one that needs better atmosphere, so I'm going in randomly and trying to tweak it. Half-heartedly, so there's minimal progress.

I've really lost my mojo for writing lately. I thought that having extra work for a month (-ish) was doable. "I can do anything for a month!" ... but getting back into regular life has been a struggle. I feel like I'm walking in a brain-fog all day. I read. A lot. I study. Not a lot. I drink coffee. Something is lacking and I need a boost to get whatever that something is.

Therefore, now that the time has come to pick back up my latest Nano creation for editing, I have decided to join Camp Nanowrimo. This is a Nanowrimo event where writers set their own goals. So my measurable goal for the month of April will be to edit for two hours a day. It doesn't sound like an aggressive goal, but with the way I've been lately, and other forces in my life that are a bit unpredictable, I don't want to commit to more.

After finishing the read-through / adjustment of the first draft, I wrote out a summary of what I feel I've written. In April I'll read that summary and see how it fits with what I was intending to write. I'll also watch and read as much as I can about perfecting a story, and see where that takes me. 

This will be the first true edit, but I wonder how much time I'll have to spend setting myself up for success. 

I'm toying with the idea of joining the A-to-Z blogging challenge, too. Just for me, as a way to track my progress in non-measurable ways. Nanowrimo gives the official tracker and a lot of great resources, but if I blog about it, I can write down things like my mood or attitude about it. 

I don't know.



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