Time Off for Good Behavior

Somehow a month has passed since I've posted here. Merry Christmas!

I finished Nanowrimo with over 65,000 words. There's a lot more to do, but it has a beginning, middle, end, and millions of questions for me to figure out the answers to.

So I decided to take some time off from writing. I thought I'd take a week off, then get back into writing, or editing my most recent editing project. (The one that I had all the notes back from my readers.) Anyway, a week off became two weeks off as I slipped into laziness. I'm back at the laptop a bit now, with some direction for my editing.

After I do this edit on my previous work, I will attend to my Nanowrimo book.

That's all the writing on my end. And clearly, blogging has been a low priority. With Christmas next week, it will probably be at least another two weeks before I have anything to say again. Enjoy your celebration of whatever holiday you prefer!


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