This is a Good Book!

I'm happy to say that I'm pleased with my book so far!

It needs a lot of editing, of course, but this first read-through of what I wrote in November makes me feel a lot better about it.

It starts with a big exposition dump, just because I needed to get the information and setting out of my head. As much work as that part needs - including dispersing parts of it throughout the book - I'm okay with starting that way. It works. The setting is unique enough, yet relatable enough, that I was intrigued by reading it.

The next scene started the action. Immediately. And it's good. I sent that scene to one person to check how much explaining might be needed for some of the terms I use. It takes place in the future, and there are two cultures involved, so there's some jargon in it.

I was prepared for that one scene to be an exception, but the following scenes keep up the pace and intensity. I'm interested in my characters, and am anxious to see what will happen next. (even though I know what happens.)

I know that down the road in this book, I was just writing scenes to get them on the page. I know those scenes will require much work and re-work and re-work, but so far I'm relieved to find that I have written a DARN GOOD, book!


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