My Nightmare Novel
2 days into Camp Nanowrimo and ... It's actually going well. But not as I expected.
I am working in the nightmare torture work I mentioned previously, and am diverted from pressuring my volunteer reader about the WIP they are reviewing for me. On day one, after writing, organizing, and filling in blanks about characters, I had what was either a startling revelation or a passing flicker of thought:
This might be better as a different genre altogether.
It's not going to change my direction for now. I'm just passing time and keeping my creative juices going. Besides, this book will never see the light of day, so it's just for me.
Still, later - today, in fact - it occurred to me that this novel could be my "play" novel. Play around with changing a book from one thing to another, just to see how well I can do that.
Doubtful, because that seems like a lot of work for something no one will read, but maybe.
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