Query Process #1

Yesterday was exhilarating. After a day or two focused on tracking down readers (two noes, two yesses, one ghosting, and finally a third yes) I started looking into querying.

I re-watched an old Nanowrimo video about the process, then started on my own process. So far I have:

1. Created a spreadsheet to track agents, letters sent, responses received.

2. Composed a draft of a generic query letter. This will be vastly changed: personalized to each agent, as well as updated after I receive reader feedback. 

I've asked my readers for feedback "by October" so I have a little over a month to research agents and work on my elevator pitch to go in the query letter itself.  

I'm also debating about a possible 4th reader. Three readers is my minimum, and I'd like to be over my minimum, but not if it's the wrong reader. So there's something to think about there.

I honestly can't believe I'm here. And I'm actually doing it! Doing the legwork to get it done! It's a lot more interesting than I expected. If you are worried about this part of it, just dive in!


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